
影/川普遭狙擊!槍手被特勤局開槍打死 民眾拍到槍手遺體倒在屋頂上

翻攝Breaking911/ X

JUST IN: New footage shows sn*per appearing to notice the suspect just milliseconds before the man sh*t at Trump.

The sn*per could be seen looking up in what appeared to be shock the moment the first bullet rang out.

The suspect, who was on top of a structure, was then quickly… pic.twitter.com/zsKnu3zP5m

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) July 14, 2024

【記者爆料網 方慕辰/綜合報導】


翻攝Breaking911/ X

根據美聯社報導,川普團隊發言人史蒂文(Steven Cheung)表示:「川普感謝執法部門和急救人員在這一令人髮指的行為中迅速採取行動。他很好,正在當地一家醫療機構接受檢查。更多細節將隨後公佈。」

Full video:
This gives me goosebumps. Wow!!! pic.twitter.com/RL8FXCesNm

— RedWave Press (@RedWave_Press) July 14, 2024


翻攝AdrianDittmann/ X


Shooter down. pic.twitter.com/6ap71STZyr

— Adrian Dittmann (@AdrianDittmann) July 13, 2024

WATCH: Witness at Trump rally claims he saw man with rifle climbing on roof, tried to alert police

“They blew his head off.” pic.twitter.com/seuowvTKLE

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) July 14, 2024


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